찬양 동영상을 올려 주세요. ^^

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Where is the house you’ll build for Me,
And the place of My rest?
Where then is the house you’ll build for Me,
And the place of My rest?
Heaven is My throne, and the earth
The footstool for My feet.
Where then is the house you’ll build for Me,
And the place of My rest?

For all these things My hand has made,
And so all these things have come into being, declares Jehovah.
But to this kind of man will I look, to him who is poor
And of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word.

Where then is the house you’ll build for Me,
And the place of My rest?
Where then is the house you’ll build for Me,
And the place of My rest?
Heaven is My throne, and the earth
The footstool for My feet.
Where then is the house you’ll build for Me,
And the place of My rest?




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