찬양 동영상을 올려 주세요. ^^

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Abide in Me, and I in you,
As the branch cannot bear fruit
Of itself unless
It abides in the vine,
So neither can you
Unless you abide in Me.

1. I am the vine,
You are the branches,
He who abides in Me and I in him.
He bears much fruit
For apart from Me you can do nothing.

2. If you abide in Me and my words abide in you
Ask whatever you will and it will be done for you.
When we abide in the Lord and let His words abide in us,
We actually are one with Him as He works within us.
Then when we ask in prayer for whatever we will
It is not only we who are praying
He too is praying, in our praying.
This kind of prayer is related to fruit bearing
and will surely be answered.

3. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and I set you.
That you should go forth and bear fruit,
And that your fruit should remain,
That whatever you ask the Father in my name,
He may give you.




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